Join our Sip and Paint Fundraiser October 1!
Our founder Ms. Sheila G. is a two-time breast cancer survivor. We’re celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness month with a Sip and Paint fundraiser on Saturday, October 1 from 3pm-6:30pm. A percentage of proceeds will be donated to City of Hope cancer treatment center. Pasta and salad will be served. This event will be hosted at Commodity’s space on 1322 Coronado Ave, Long Beach CA 90804, NOT at our garden!
Tickets are $50. You may purchase your tickets through PayPal on this page, or send payment to our Zelle account Please email us if you have any questions, or if you purchase more than one ticket and would like to let us know your guests’ names.
Click “Add to Cart” to purchase your tickets to the Sip and Paint Fundraiser!
[wp_cart_button name=”Sip and Paint Fundraiser Ticket” price=”50.00″]