Spotlight on the Circle LB

The Circle LB Spotlight

On Friday, September 30th, we had a chance to meet with The Circle LB at our garden. The Circle LB is a nonprofit organization that assists in the education of homeschooled students ages 4 to 10. The program focuses on education through exploration and using our senses to interact with the environment. Their mission is “to introduce experiential education to scholars by offering broad-minded, personalized learning experiences that develop beyond textbooks and classroom walls.” During their time at the garden, the children learned about the ant life cycle, while doing art and caring for the plants in their garden beds. Adventures to Dreams Enrichment provides a space for the children to interact with nature and helps provide them with an increased understanding of their environment.

Watch this interview to see the founder of The Circle LB, Michelle Tubs, discuss how organizations like this can make a positive impact on the children in our community. You can find more information on The Circle LB on their website: